Active Love Part 2 – Real Life Examples of Using “The Tools”

“Love That’s Given Freely, it doesn’t die. It only changes” – Glen Hansard

If I’m being completely honest I was a little frightened going in for the obligatory handshake line that concludes each soccer game every Tuesday night. I would have to come fact to face and shake the hand of my soccer nemesis from two weeks ago.

Look, I’m not the best with conflict. I have tried to avoid it at almost every stage of my life and when I do find myself, conflicting? I’m a blustering mess. My blood boils, my heart rate rises and I try to stay calm, but it never really turns out that way.

This time though, it felt a little different somewhow. Continue reading

The Reversal of Desire- Real life examples of using “The Tools”

Writing is a gift that pretty much all of us have available to give to the world. We can write something and immediately make it available to every single human on the planet. Think about that for a second.

Sometimes I think to myself, “I love to write”. But that is just not true most of the time. What I do feel though, is that if I don’t write I will die. Not a literal death of course, unless I have some sort of   bizarre mishap with a pen or bleed out profusely from an unintended paper cut. Continue reading