Batman, planks and CNN

Every so often there comes along a moment in pop culture that shocks us and get us all talking. Not every week, sometimes not even once a year but every two or three years a celebrity will die, or act outrageously and we will all be blogging and tweeting about it for days.

Certainly when someone acts in a way without inhibition and provocatively  we want to talk about it, but why? Why do the actions of someone who we’ve never met, are never likely to meet and whose actions don’t have any direct implications for our own lives, get us so riled up? Continue reading

Fear of giving.

We fear creating because we don’t like change and creating by its very nature, produces change.

We also fear creating because if we create then that means we are giving something of ourselves over for free. We may get paid but really it’s free because our work doesn’t always mean others will be vulnerable in return.

It’s a gift and that is all. A gift for the sake of being able to give. Continue reading