When being right about God means we’re wrong.

It’s funny how we use the phrase “God’s ways or understanding is bigger than our ways or understanding” when we try and pigeonhole God. It’s mostly used when people don’t know how to creatively answer questions about predestination or when it feels like God lets evil run rampant so much.

It’s also used when people question some of the parts of God that we find tricky to digest.

Yet the very people that use it the most when coming up against views of God can’t seem to let go of their own ideas of who God is and why He does or does not do things. After all, an understanding of God which states that some people were born just to go to Hell with no choice in the matter, because God has already decided, can’t see that perhaps this too is a human understanding of God. Continue reading

#BringBackOurGirls Part 1(Or #Let’sendcynicism)

bring-back-our-girls-anthony-kiedisIs it a good thing? How much impact does it really have? Does it do more damage than good?celebs bring back our girls_0

When there is not much more we can do, surely it’s all we can do and it’s better than nothing, right?

All good and important questions.

Cynicism from some people is part and parcel when something positive grows. People like this are normally just cynical. It’s in their DNA. They don’t offer any useful, positive alternative. They want something to be angry about and this is simply the latest. Tomorrow it will be something else. We can’t change people like that. So we shouldn’t listen to their voices.

(This is why I have chosen not to give links to tweets or blogs from people like this here. It won’t change their opinion, and it will just make me more like them).

They are the grownup who tells you that your dreams aren’t realistic. They are the High school guidance teacher who says that things like that don’t happen to normal people like you.

girls1They are closed. And the door’s locked.

Maybe they are right. My voice alone can’t persuade the Nigerian Government to act but our voice together can make our Governments sit up and take notice. Maybe, some who have tweeted their support have done so for selfish reasons. I don’t know all our motivations but I do know that I’m not sure it matters so much. They are making their voice count for something positive and I’ll take that over trying to cut something down just for the sake of it any day.

This is why #BringBackOurGirls has been so powerful. Not because we think a hashtag can change anything, rather we know that making a noise can.

And if you have a voice (or twitter, or a Government you can appeal to) then you can make a noise too. 


Look at porn?….Why not: Redefining sexuality for the church.

Everyone knows that it can prove very dangerous to mess up on grammar. You can really give the wrong impression with an ill placed comma or full stop. Or in the case of the title of this blog, a question mark.


You could read the title of this blog in two ways. Firstly, you could read it as a invitation to look at porn and a response to take that invitation up on its offer.

The other way you could read it is as an invitation, followed by a response detailing a few reasons why you wouldn’t or shouldn’t look at porn.lets eat grandma

I’ve definitely asked myself the very same question and answered in both ways, countless times in my life. But I think a question like this and how we respond shows us a lot of why churches are ill equipped to talk about porn or sex with their congregations. It’s not so much that it’s a bad question or even unhelpful, but rather not the best way to start conversations around sex. Continue reading

Evangelical Alliance and Oasis Trust. How we move on together.

????????Yesterday, Evangelical Alliance announced that they were parting ways with Oasis Trust as an EA member. You can read the press releases from both organizations here and here, respectively.

On the face of it, the reason given probably doesn’t give a full story of discussions that took place between the two and the months of prayer that EA have put into making this decision. Continue reading